Anton Chongsu Kho
Anton Chongsu Kho entered the University of the Philippines in 1939. People like Prof. Dominador Ilio who remembered him described him as someone who was quiet but look very intelligent. His college life revolved mainly around his active involvement and participation in the activities of his fraternity, the Beta Epsilon. He participated in the fraternity’s Smoker presentations of “The Mikado” and “The Son of Mikado” where he was put in charge of the stage props.
In 1941, Kho graduated with a Bachelor of Science in civil engineering, Magna cum laude. The very same year, he topped the civil engineering board exams.
Later on, Kho established the A. Kho Construction Company. His construction firm built the UP Quezon Hall. They also built and rehabilitated churches and convents in Manila and nearby provinces. The late professor Ilio, in a testimonial, recounted how Kho, through his construction firm, extended help to the Ilio family when, in 1968, typhoon Yoling torn off the roof of his cottage in UP. Kho along with fellow Betan, DM Consunji, sent help right away to assist the professor to rebuild his home.
Kho became very active in professional organizations. He was founding member of the Philippine Contractors Association (PCA), the International Federation of Asian and Western Pacific Contractors Association, Inc. (IFAW PCA), and the Philippine Contractors Licensing Board. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the UP Alumni Engineers in 1960 to 1962.
He was honored with a Citation of Merit in 1970 by the UP Alumni Engineers and Engineering Professional Award in 1981 by the UP Alumni Association. The Beta Epsilon fraternity gave him the Beta Epsilon Achievement award in 1969, the Beta Epsilon Service award in 1989, and the Diamond Jubilee award in 1999. He became an original incorporator and chairman of the Board of the UPERDFI. The organization paved the way for a call to once again become active in the affairs of the College by way of assisting in its academic and research activities. Kho also donated a trust fund which supports the Anton C. Kho Scholarship Grants in the UP College of Engineering.
Professor Dominador I. Ilio gives this following testimonial on Kho: “Anton C. Kho lived his life as an exemplary human being – a devoted family man, an intellectual, a practitioner of the engineering profession of the highest order, a loyal alumnus of his alma mater, a distinguished Betan, and to me, a true brother and friend.