Angel A. Alejandrino
Angel A. Alejandrino was an engineer and an academic. As a professor of the UP College of engineering, he authored “Lecture Notes on Fluid Mechanics” for the National Hydraulic Research Center in 1989. This led to the curricular development and institution of the diploma and the Master of Science in Water Resources Program of the UP College of Engineering in 1978.
He held a number of government positions during his career, among them, executive director of the National Water Resources Council from 1974 to 1986, assistant general manager of the Rural Waterworks Development Corporation from 1980 to 1987, chairman of the Philippine National Committee on the International Hydrological Program of UNESCO from 1987 to 2005.
He also held local and global NGO positions such as: chairman of the Southeast Asia Technical Advisory Committee (SEADAC) to the Global Water Partnership from 1997 to 2001, and chairman and charter member of the Philippine Water Partnership from 2002 to 2004.
Angel was a homebody. When his children were still living with him, he would enjoy long dinners with them listening to them talk about their activities. He was as genuinely engaging in their interest as he was in his work.