Ramon I. Castillo EE’83
One of the reasons that Engineer Ramon I. Castillo is counted among the most outstanding engineers is innovatronix, Inc. the company he founded. It spearheads the development and production of world-class, Filipino-made electronic products in mass markets, such as supplying consumer electronics to niche markets, among them, industrial automation, photography and imaging.
Through Castillo’s perseverance and intellect, he was accepted to the Philippine Science High School in Quezon City, and then to UP. After getting a BS in Electrical Engineering degree, he earned his Master’s degree in Business Administration, graduating as the valedictorian of his class. He was 5th placer in the Electrical Engineer Board Examination. Also that same year, he became the senior automation engineer in Intel Philippines Manufacturing Inc. After four years in Intel, he founded and became president of Innovatronix Systems. Innovatronix is the only Filipino company of its kind which carries its own Tronix brand of products. It continues to establish a global network of markets of over 150 outlets located in major shopping malls and commercial centers nationwide. All of these are due to Castillo’s entrepreneurship leadership expertise.
Castillo has made significant contributions in the field of renewable energy, digital printing technology, power electronics and energy savings. Examples of his products, which are widely commercialized, are the electronic bicycle, digital photo-printing machine, power supplies for photography applications, and household energy savers.
In 1993, Philippine Science high School recognized him as the Most Outstanding Alumni for Entrepreneurship. In 1997 and 2004, he was nominated for The Golden Shell Award-CITEM for the “Company’s Excellence in Export” for the Innovatrix’s exportation of products using its own trademark . Furthermore, Innovatrix is one of a small number of successful Filipino technology brands that have Outstanding Aklanon in the field of Science and Technology.
Not only has he excelled in his field but his artistic endeavors have similarly earned him praise. In 1998, 2000, 2001 and 2002 he was recognized as Master Photographer by Samahan ng Litratista sa Rizal (SLR) for winning both local and international photo contests. Castillo has won more than 50 local and international contests since 1993. His winning images are published on Yahoo and Google. In 2000, the Federation of the Philippine Photographer Federation named him Photographer of the Year.
Engineer Castillo is also active in social projects involving PSHS, UP and less fortunate communities in Tanay, including livelihood projects, donations of computers and power generation equipment.
Currently he is a member of the electronic Industries Association of the Philippines (EIAPI), the Filipino Inventors Society (FIS), the Beta Epsilon Fraternity, the Samahan ng Litarista sa RIzal (SLR), and the Federation of the Philippine Photographers Foundation (FPPF).